21 Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet 2024

Experience the benefits of our 21 day anti-inflammatory diet plan. With nutritious Foods and practical tips, kickstart your journey to reduced inflammation and improved well-being today.

Gastrointestinal sensitivity is measured by the response to slow-digesting foods. Generally, heavy foods are digested slowly as people get older and people start eating simple foods with light glands and simple foods as children. Physicians also recommend that adults divide 3 large meals into 5 or 6 smaller meals.

Specially using oatmeal for breakfast and mixed vegetables for lunch can solve the problem of inflammation in the intestines, but why not change the diet. 21 day anti-inflammatory diet, some of the features and benefits of which are being published here.

21 day Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Fruits and Vegetables

A small amount of fruit and half a vegetable should be included in every meal.

Divide your plate into four parts, keep at least half of the plate with green vegetables (cucumber, spinach, olives, broccoli, mint, coriander) and the rest with a seasonal fruit or two.

Berries i.e. Strawberries, Blueberries and Raspberries are the best fruits for treating heartburn and intestinal inflammation as they contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Dietary Sources of Protein

Animal protein also plays a significant role in relieving intestinal inflammation, for example, fish and prawns do not cause irritation in the stomach and are also high in nutrition.

If it is not available, one cup of curd should be eaten daily. Among the dry fruits, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, beans, etc. are very useful.


Milk with cream, any vegetable juice with mild salt, herbal tea, fresh fruit juice and pure plain boiled water, all these drinks do not cause inflammation in the intestines.


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that support heart, brain, and eye health. Incorporate foods rich in Omega-3s like fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts into your diet for overall well-being

21 Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet

A Few Diet Tips

  1. For breakfast: Make Oatmeal, add fresh walnuts and a few seeds of fresh berries available in season and eat it.
  2. For a quick snack before meals: Any single fruit, dried apricots, few almonds, raisins or coconut food is better than biscuits and cookies.
  3. To eat: It is a thousand degrees better than red meat. Fish food and other foods should also be prepared in olive oil and canola oil. Make sure to include salad in every meal, lunch and dinner. Do not eat deep-fried foods, but instead It is better to eat stir-fried and poached or baked foods instead.

21 Day Anti-inflammatory Diet Plan

For Kids:

7:00 amBreakfast1 Serving of Oatmeal
10:00 amSnack1 Small Apple
12:30 pmLunchPorridge /1 Turkey Sandwich
3:00 pmSnackCarrot Sticks with Hummus
6:00 pmDinnerGrilled Chicken with Vegetables and a side of Brown Rice
8:00 pmSnack (optional)Greek Yogurt with Honey

For Young Adults:

7:30 amBreakfastOatmeal with Berries and Almond Milk
10:00 amSnackHandful of Almonds
1:00 pmLunchQuinoa Salad with Mixed Vegetables
4:00 pmSnackWhole Grain Crackers With Avocado
7:00 pmDinnerBaked Salmon with Sweet Potato Mash
9:00 pmSnack (optional)Greek Yogurt with Mixed Berries

For Older Adults:

7:30 amBreakfastOatsmealwith Berries / Whole Grain Toast with Avocado
10:00 amSnackHandful of Walnuts
1:00 pmLunchLentil Soup with Whole Grain Roll
4:00 pmSnackGreek Yogurt with Honey
7:00 pmDinnerGrilled Chicken with Quinoa Pilaf
9:00 pmSnack (optional)Chamomile Tea with a Small Piece of Dark Chocolate

Health Risk

Sugar and its products, junk food, fatty red meat, bread made from white flour and refined flour, double bread or pasta are bad for health.

Drink soft drinks gradually and give up their habit.
Tomatoes and eggplants can cause inflammation. There is a specific ingredient called Solanine in these two vegetables, which increases its chemical effects. You should consult your doctor and use it.

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