Individuals who do not suffer from diabetes or heart disease but are overweight need immediate attention to lose weight for the sake of their lives. Becouse obesity a disease more dangerous than diabetes and heart disease.
Middle-aged women who are overweight but have normal blood circulation and cholesterol levels and therefore think they are healthy are just delusional. Researchers over the past 30 years have The long-term study involved 634-17 people who were obese. Some of these people had blood cholesterol levels proportional to their weight, but others did not. Similarly, the probability of dying from heart disease at the average age was found to be the same among these people.
High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol levels are among the most serious causes of heart disease, and obese women are more prone to these two causes.
But according to Growing Body Science, weight gain alone is enough to trigger heart attacks and diabetes. They had no heart disease or diabetes at baseline, but all were overweight for their height.
The researchers clearly recorded during the study that more than half of the study participants died of cardiac arrest before the study was completed, and most of them with advanced age. They also suffered from diabetes and were treated in hospitals for a long time. Although not all of these people were suffering from diabetes and heart disease, they lost their lives at a young age due to excess weight.
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The stomach is Enlarged
Unfortunately, people all over the world are suffering from various diseases due to obesity. Thus, obesity is harmful to health in every way, but abdominal obesity can be dangerous from both aesthetic and medical aspects. Enlargement is also considered as a defect and every overweight man wants his waist and stomach to be very smart. If you are also worried about your enlarged stomach, then read the following few guidelines carefully, they may be useful for you.
First Exercise
Lie flat on your stomach on the floor. Place both hands by your sides and place both legs together on the floor, then inhale and bend the knees and bring both legs together at the same time.
After that, put it on the floor for a few seconds and then repeat the same process for 5 minutes. Remember to fold the legs during the exercise so that your feet touch the hips.
Pay special attention to proper timing and pauses in inhaling and exhaling. That is, inhale while raising the legs and exhale while lowering them to the floor.
Second Exercise
You lie on the floor on your back in the same way. Keep your legs straight on the floor together and tie both hands behind your head. Inhale and lift your upper body off the floor without lifting your legs and hips from the floor. Bend the back and especially the head towards the knees as much as possible, then after a few seconds slowly exhale and lie back on the floor.
You will feel a strong tension in your abdominal muscles. This exercise removes fat from the muscles.
At first, fat people find it difficult to do this exercise, but gradually the body becomes flexible and gets used to this exercise. Repeat this exercise daily for 5 to 7 minutes on an empty stomach and eat and drink. I proceed with caution.
Try to eat 6 times instead of 3 but less than usual. Walk for a while every day. Add fruit and vegetable soup to the food. Use olive oil. This oil can prevent heart diseases and obesity. There is no fear at all.
So all those people who do not suffer from diabetes or heart disease but are overweight need to pay immediate attention to lose weight for the sake of their life because this extra weight not only exposes you to numerous diseases and problems. It not only causes you to get arrested but also you lose your precious life.