Obesity is the Root Cause of Diseases in 2024

Obesity is the Root Cause of Diseases in 2024

Unveiling the Truth- Obesity is the Root Cause of Diseases.Health experts call it a serious health problem in the 21st century. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat accumulates to such an extent that it can have a negative effect on health. In fact, consuming food in excess of our body’s needs … Read more

Obesity A Disease More Dangerous Than Diabetes and Heart Disease

Obesity A Disease More Dangerous Than Diabetes and Heart Disease

Individuals who do not suffer from diabetes or heart disease but are overweight need immediate attention to lose weight for the sake of their lives. Becouse obesity a disease more dangerous than diabetes and heart disease. Middle-aged women who are overweight but have normal blood circulation and cholesterol levels and therefore think they are healthy … Read more